Friday, 14 September 2012

Repotting the Birds Nest Fern

We've had this little beauty for a long, long time. A large Birds Nest Fern should probably be repotted every 4 or 5 years. The new foliage grows on top of the old, so it starts to climb out of your container. After pulling it out of the old container, feel free to hack away at the bottom, cutting away the old dead stuff. An old bread knife is handy. You may also notice that my new basket has an extra liner - one size smaller than the basket - for a bit of added protection at the bottom.
 And there you go. A nice new bed for wandering carpet pythons.


  1. OK - that's the easy bit - but how does this woman repot one that's huge, in a large tub and located, in a corner behind some tall palms! Well, just got it outa that corner, now to do the actual re-pot.......

  2. You can go hard at it as they are hard to kill. Cut it half if you want then you will end up with two plants.
