Wednesday 5 September 2012

Des and June's Orchids

Des and June grow and sell Orchids at our local Co-op between June and September each year. The Responsible Adult told me years ago that while she appreciates cut flowers, she does consider them to be a bit wasteful and would much prefer Shiraz and chocolate. From time to time then, I may purchase a flowering plant on the basis that we will get the nice flowers over and over. The problem with this theory, is that while I can usually get the plant to remain alive, they never seem to want to flower again. I've tried the Princely methods - talking to them nicely, talking to them not so nicely, playing Mozart to them as well as Death Metal, but nothing has worked for me.

So it was great when June phoned me last night and I had an opportunity to ask Des for some advice. Pretty simple really - keep them in a well ventilated spot with just a bit of sunlight each day and add slow release fertilser from time to time. I shall try this and report back. If it doesn't work, I may just take them back to Des with the advice that he should make it flower and sell it to me again next year.  

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