Monday 3 September 2012

Pottering about

Around the end of each month, I come up to the house paddock to do some maintenance on the pot plants. As it warms up, this will be increased to once a fortnight. It doesn't take long. Orchids, ferns and Palms get a sprinkle of slow release fertiliser and all other pots get a dose of liquid fertiliser - Charlie Carp. Doing this gives you lush green growth and promotes flowering. Each time I do this, I also look to re-pot a plant or two so that re-potting doesn't build up to be a big, nasty chore.

Your Prince's recommendation is to do this work in the late afternoon with a glass or two of Shiraz which makes the work much more pleasant. For those Paddock workers who prefer pot maintenance do be carried out at lunch time it is recommended to switch from Shiraz to Pinot Noir - your plants may not appreciate it, but you will. 

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