Monday 10 September 2012

Digging Holes

I'd rather be doing this
So the timbers all moved now comes the next bit of fun, fun, fun. I need to dig some nice big holes to install some posts. Installing timber posts is not a bit like facebook posts. Instead of a keyboard and monitor, you use a crow bar and shovel. And rather than exercising your fingers, you get to use all sorts of muscles - some you didn't even know you had till they start aching. But instead of the transient nature of facebook posts, your fence posts should last years and years.One thing you don't normally get with a fence post is likes or comments, but I may have a cunning plan to overcome this deficiency - stay tuned.

As for the picture, well the caption says it all. You too can be just like this. Give your responsible adult a good feed and a few glasses of a nice Shiraz and guide her to the comfy chair.

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